Kyoko Ohno-Matsui is Professor and Chairperson of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science at Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU), and the Chief of the Advanced Clinical Center for Myopia at TMDU.
Dr. Ohno-Matsui has been the recipient of Young Investigator Award in Japanese Ophthalmological Society and the Excellence in Research Award at TMDU. She has authored or co-authored 292 manuscripts which were published in prestigious journals. Kyoko’s research mainly focuses myopia, especially pathologic myopia. Kyoko established international photographic classification of myopic maculopathy, and a new technique called ‘3D MRI of the eye’ as a method to visualize the shape of the entire globe.
Kyoko is actively working on ultra-wide field OCT imaging to visualize the entire extent of staphyloma in many patients in vivo. Her lab also investigates basic mechanism of myopization and ocular angiogenesis. She is an active member of APAO, APVRS, The Macular Society, The Retina Society, and Club Jules Gonin.