The International Myopia Institute (IMI) represents the consensus body of global myopia experts working towards the ultimate goal of advancing myopia research and education, to prevent blindness in the future. Sponsored by Essilor International and other institutions, the landmark IMI white paper reports were published in 2019 and are making significant headway in the recognition of myopia as a public health concern and in advancing research and clinical practice. A result of the first truly collaborative global effort, they provide a well-defined, evidence-based picture to help eye care practitioners to uptake myopia management.
Olga Prenat, Global Director of Education and Professional Relations at Essilor International and Chief Editor of Points de Vue, recently invited myopia experts, IMI chair Prof. Serge Resnikoff, and committee members Prof. Ian Flitcroft, Prof. Earl Smith and Dr. Monica Jong to share their inspiring journey with the initiative and discuss how the white papers are critical to improving clinical myopia management.
Key Takeaways
- A paradigm shift in the way clinicians practice myopia management may occur from clear guidance on minimum standard of care from professional organizations and associations, and financial incentivization for practitioners.
- Education of eye care practitioners in active myopia management is critical, and it also then needs to go beyond them to educate healthcare providers, teachers, parents and policy makers.
- A simple, safe, easy and effective spectacle lens solution which is suitable to manage myopia in almost any child is critical to shift the dial on myopia management.
- Advocacy at the peak health body level and producing evidence for policy makers about the burden of myopia is essential to move the needle on widespread adoption of myopia management.
- The new series of the IMI white papers will be published in 2021.
To read the full interview, please click here.