
Untitled design (2)

Jagrut Lallu

New Zealand


  • MSc Specialty Lenses (Hons)
  • BOptom (Hons)


Jagrut graduated with Honours and a host of undergraduate awards from the University of Auckland in 2009; that same year he began working for Rose Optometry – Home of the Rose K lens, in Hamilton, New Zealand. He has a special interest in irregular cornea, disease and orthokeratology, including Hyperopic, astigmatic and myopia control Ortho-K. He has relished in learning the art of contact lens fitting from his colleagues Paul Rose and Peter Walker. In late 2009 he set up the first myopia control clinic in New Zealand devoted to evidence-based methods for management. He has become an owner of Rose Optometry and Innovatus Technology which provides services to practitioners and manufacturers for rigid contact lens design through topography. In 2017 he received a Master’s degree with Honours for speciality contact lenses and orthokeratology from the University of Auckland. Specific areas of interest include keratoconus and orthokeratology. He has co-authored a textbook entry for a chapter on corneal topography and has created online virtual learning modules with Deakin University. He is a clinical Senior Lecturer at the Deakin School of Optometry and is currently publishing on a variety of topics related to Orthokeratology, dry eye, red light therapy and machine learning. In 2023 Jagrut established the New Zealand Eye Research centre with a  focus on clinical trials and research in a new Hamilton location.

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